Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Path of the soul

Path of the soul
This movie is probably the best movie I had ever seen. It's a documentary movie about Buddha. It's a real story.

"There’s never been a road movie quite like “Paths of the Soul,” an extraordinary chronicle of ordinary Tibetan citizens undertaking a 1,200-mile pilgrimage to Lhasa. Much more than simply a long walk down National Highway 318, this act of Buddhist devotion requires participants to prostrate themselves every few yards while trucks and cars zoom past. Filmed in simple documentary fashion and performed with immaculate conviction by a non-professional cast, the pic, helmed by Zhang Yang (“Shower,” “Getting Home”) is a stirring study in faith and spirituality that will inspire many viewers to think about big and small questions of life. A difficult commercial path lies ahead, but fests everywhere will welcome this one-of-a-kind item."-

Here are some pictures from this amazing movie.

This movie shows all the respect for Buddha and all the religions. Its shooting style and all the photography are beautiful.

They passed the water, they passed everything by their hands, included the little girl.

They spent a year on this trip; someone gave a birth; someone pass away; their car broke a couple times... I watched this movie in a huge cinema. I was totally shocked when I watched this. I never expect that there are these kind of group of people exist in the world. They never give up during this trip, no matter how hard the trip was. Those scene are beautiful. I'm touched.

I'm not the best describer, but this movie is way better than I described.

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