Thursday, October 24, 2019

3D printing

The 3D printing is a printing machine that print three-dimensional. The term "3D printing" originally referred to a process that deposits a binder material onto a powder bed with inkjet-printer heads layer by layer. In recent years, it started to have additive-manufacturing techniques such as Electron beam melting and Selective laser melting.

A three-dimensional printer

3D selfie in 1:20 scale printed using gypsum-based printing

In the current situation, 3D printing or Additive Manufacturing has been used in manufacturing, medical, industry and sociocultural sectors, which 3D printing or Additive Manufacturing become a successful commercial technology.

Some simulation diagrams
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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Nam June Paik

Nam June Paik was a Korean American artist. He worked with a variety of media and is considered to be the founder of video art. He studied music history with composer Thrasybulos Georgiades at Munich University. He was known for video art, performance, illustration art.

He use everyday sounds and noises in his music. He experiment video art. He was trained as a classic pianist earlier. His passion for combining audio, visual, and electronic elements was formed in Fluxus movement. Humanize technology was very important in his art work.

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Image result for nam june paik artworks

He was the father of video art.

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Image result for nam june paik artworks

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Doris Salcedo

Doris Salcedo is a 
Colombian visual artist and sculptor. Her work is influenced by her experiences of life in Colombia, and mostly composed of commonplace items such as wooden furniture, clothing, concrete, grass, and rose petals. 

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The reason I chose her is because I like to pay attention to details from my life to, I always want to turn something super normal like these chairs into art. Doris Salcedo did it.

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I really like how simple the composition and the color are. They are simple but in a really artistic way. 

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Image result for Doris Salcedo

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Famous Animal Sculpture

Balloon Dog

Media: stainless steel, transparent color coating.
Balloon dog is very famous. It's what the poodle looks like in balloon, standing in different modern settings. The artist uses different bright color to depicted the sculpture. 
Really cool sculpture.

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Rubber Duck

Rubber duck was really popular in China.
"Rubber Duck is a series of several giant floating sculptures of yellow rubber ducks, designed by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, which have appeared in many cities around the world, including Hong KongPittsburghTorontoBaku, and Sydney."-wikipedia 
I actually see the actual duck in a park in my hometown Shenzhen, because it went on tour.
Rubber Duck also has a lot of product in clothing and fashion.
Media: The rubber duck was constructed with more than 200 pieces of PVC

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Image result for Rubber Duck (sculpture)

Image result for Rubber Duck (sculpture)

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This trimester, I made a weird creature. It's a creature that I created. It looks like a fish and a duck. I used foil paper, newspaper, ...